How do your customers experience video streaming?

Surfmeter automatically runs measurements for:

  • video streaming
  • web browsing
  • network performance

It uses advanced algorithms to determine the Quality of Experience customer experience of video streaming – without needing to ask users for their opinion.

Our video QoE model has been validated with real customer surveys, and has been used at a world-leading telco. We also provide standardized web performance metrics and can determine the available network bandwidth through speed tests.

On top of the QoE results, we provide all the technical measurement data as well, in an easy to access analytics dashboard or via an API feeding directly into your systems.

Surfmeter on the phone

Perfect for QoE monitoring of your network

Video and network QoE tool for OTTs, ISPs, MNOs and all streaming video providers.

  • You stream it – we measure it

    For ISPs, MSOs, OTTs, Content Providers etc. – all companies providing video streams

  • Perform in-depth QoE analysis

    Gain insight into how your customers experience the quality of your video content

  • Understand your users’ pain points

    Discover issues resulting from network bottlenecks or inefficient service configuration

  • Measure Web QoS and Speed Tests

    Surfmeter collects important web KPIs and upload/download speeds

  • Troubleshoot your customers’ issues

    Technicians can measure with our service app – in the field and in the lab

  • Improve your services

    Optimize your services to keep customers happy, churn low, and revenue high

Runs on all devices

Surfmeter is made for network operators and everyone providing video streams.

Surfmeter Lab Mobile
  • Surfmeter for Android
  • Measure video streaming quality in the field and in the lab
  • Test web browsing performance
  • Perfect for drive testing, live events, service technicians
  • Track mobile network and location data
  • 5G-compatible
  • SDK available for custom apps
Surfmeter Lab
  • Surfmeter for desktop
  • Measure video streaming quality as your users experience it in the browser
  • Compare your service against major OTTs (e.g. YouTube)
  • Web browsing KPI and speed tests measurements
  • Ideal for laboratory settings and deployments at home
  • Extended measurement scenarios and automatization

Clients and partners

Quality matters: to us, our partners, and our customers.

Telekom Logo
Technische Uni Ilmenau

Automated measurements at scale

For video, network speed and web browsing.

Surfmeter contains an easy-to-use, all-integrated measurement solution we call Surfmeter Automator to run video, website and network measurements – deployed to thousands of devices or measurement points. Select the services and channels you want to monitor.

  • Fully automated measurements – performed according to a custom schedule that fits your needs.
  • Deploy anywhere – Surfmeter Automator runs on dedicated hardware, in the cloud, or VMs.
  • 24/7 QoS/QoE monitoring – check bandwidth, speed, throughput and video quality, all without human intervention.

Great use cases in multiple industries

Wherever you stream, we measure QoE for you.

Telco & Streaming

Hospitality & Medical

Aviation & Cruising

Flexible deployment for distributed monitoring

Set up based on your requirements.

Our architecture is as flexible and scalable as your service or network. You can deploy Surfmeter Automator on different devices:

  • on existing hardware (e.g., a PC)
  • on a dedicated measurement probe
  • as a virtual machine or in the cloud
  • at the client side (e.g. LAN) for a full end-to-end measurement
  • within your own networks for continuous quality monitoring.

Monitor and detect issues:

  • Immediately detect connection issues and service outages
  • Measure quality drops throughout the day
  • Compare the quality of different connection types

Easily identify network issues via video MOS drops.

Measure video streaming, Internet speed and web browsing performance

Whatever measurement you need, we can run it.

Internet Speed Tests

Collect speed test results for different services or providers — you can even choose the speed test provider or tool.

Main speed metrics include download, upload and latency for your measurement probes. Visualize metrics in our dashboard over time or in aggregation.

Combine speed test results with streaming tests.

Web Page Performance

Compare web page performance for various sites. We support the latest W3C performance APIs for valid and standardized measurements. Includes metrics such as:

  • Document Ready Times
  • Page Load Times
  • DNS Resolution Times

Video Streaming Tests

Measure video streaming QoS and QoE.

Get detailed data and user-centric quality diagnosis by using advanced algorithms to calculate the end-user MOS.

Read more about Video Quality Measurement.

How we calculate the validated Mean Opinion Score

And why the MOS matters.

Video quality models are the algorithms that are used to determine the visual experience that a video delivers. We gather the necessary input data for the video quality models and deliver the following information:

  • Mean Opinion Score (customer experience)
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as loading times or bitrate
  • Diagnostic information for troubleshooting

We implement our quality measurement solutions based on our year-long experience with video quality monitoring standardization at ITU-T. Our models are the result of years of joint research and have been shown to significantly outperform other models in terms of accuracy and speed.

We cooperate with our academic partner, TU Ilmenau, to extend and validate the video quality models so that they are fit for next-generation codec technology.

Surfmeter Architecture

Cloud-based architecture customized to fit your systems

It works out of the box, but can be fully tailored to your needs.

Our architecture is as flexible as your streaming service or network. You can deploy the Surfmeter app for on-demand troubleshooting at the client side or use Surfmeter within the network for continuous quality monitoring. We provide our Analytics solution in our own cloud or on-premise.

You can easily scale from small lab deployments to large streaming-service monitoring.

We can also customize Surfmeter for your service. Any common streaming format or player is supported by our ecosystem. Our modular approach allows you to use Surfmeter for both optimizing your streaming service and end-to-end quality monitoring.

Technical specifications

  • Video quality and QoE measurement on an easy to understand Mean Opinion Score (MOS) scale
  • All relevant video KPIs (bitrate, resolution, stallings, quality changes, …)
  • Usage of the best-in-class QoE models
  • All major video codecs supported (H.264, H.265/HEVC, VP9, AV1)
  • Coverage of popular resolutions and frame rates (24–60fps, up to 1080p and 4K)
  • Modular approach for encoding optimization and end-to-end quality monitoring
  • Web browsing KPI measurements (e.g., page load time, document ready time) according to W3C Navigation Timing API, First Contentful Paint (Google Lighthouse)
  • Speed test measurements (upload, download, latency)
  • Support for common device types (TV, PC, laptop, mobile). Supported platforms: Android 8+ ; Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Automation framework runs runs on any x86/x64 and ARM architecture (e.g., Raspberry Pi)
  • Support for CLI-only/headless mode (no display required)
  • Customizable measurement schedule and options
  • Automatic remote update functionality

If you provide a video streaming service, Surfmeter is perfect for you.

Request a demo!

Surfmeter Screencast

Contact us – for a demo or more info

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